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Healing Mineral Water Hot Springs and Natural Lakes

In a related theme, virtually all of ancient history is peppered with references to natural mineral hot-springs as places of healing and recuperation, and the waters in such special places were typically revered and considered quite special. (DeMeo 2010c). The Romans, Britons and others built large spas around them, to contain and gather up the waters into deeper pools. Cities and towns across Europe were frequently located at these special places. Lourdes in France is one such well-known mineral hot-springs, and for which many observations of near-miracle cures have been claimed. Typically, such waters have a bluish glow, a point which may hold significance for their healing possibilities, beyond the mere presence of high oxygenation. While some known part of the healing effects of such “holy waters” could be a purely psychosomatic effect, they appear sufficiently well-documented to be applied clinically in many places today.

In modern-day Europe, the tradition of building health-recuperation spas at natural mineral hot springs is most widely developed. There are hundreds of such well-established healing baths in Germany alone, called Heilbäder, with physicians in attendance to help people who have come to find a nature-cure, all under auspices of the official health-care system. German physicians may actually prescribe a visit to such a hot springs mineral water health resort, and have it paid for by the German health-care system. There are multiple recognized categories of healing baths: the Mineralheilbad, the Moorheilbad, the Seeheilbad, the Soleheilbad, and those for Radon-Balneologie – the application of natural radon gas as found in the waters (DeMeo 2010c). This latter application of radon-gas waters for healing constitutes a kind of “homeopathic dose” of natural radiation, possibly through the effects of hormesis as identified by classical radiation biophysics, which has a whole-body stimulus. (Luckey 1991; Sanders 2009).

This tradition of the healing waters was also well-developed in the Americas, and used widely by Native Americans and early colonials alike. Unfortunately in the early 20th Century, the use of mineral hot-springs for health and healing was attacked by mainstream medicine via their allies in the US Food and Drug Administration, in what became a literal open warfare by organized allopathic medicine against natural healing methods. (Walker 1993; DeMeo 1993a). Health benefits were typically reported and advertised by these healing-water spas, notably for arthritis and rheumatism. Such waters were also frequently bottled up for drinking, with advertised health-benefits. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, for example, frequented the healing waters of Warm Springs, Georgia, which continues to be used as a therapeutic center for polio hydrotherapy. It survived, however, only because Roosevelt bought the place and created an institute to guarantee its survival. Today, most of these same mineral hot-springs still exist, but the old health spas build on them have frequently vanished. Some also are now located within National Parks, but their older emphasis as places of healing is rarely so openly advertised.

Figure 20: Typical Advertisements for Hormetic “Radium” Healing Water Hot Springs, c.1930.


We may inquire with fresh eyes, just what is it that made these waters so special and healing in their qualities? The standard consideration of enriched minerals and hot water baths creating soothing relaxation certainly is at work. But is that all?

Reich argued that water could be charged with blue-luminating orgone energy, and some plant-growth experiments also show water charged inside an orgone accumulator is sufficient to develop an increase in growth of plants (Espanca 1981-1986). As previously discussed, accumulator-charged water also has a greater UV absorption. The accumulator itself shows myriad anomalies including effects upon biology and electrical charge parameters. It’s healing effects upon laboratory animals and people is very much like that of the blue-glowing mineral-springs, suggesting a similar energetic mechanism. The Schauberger theory of living waters similarly argued for special physical qualities in water due to natural motional components which then allowed its charging up or activation, with blue-glowing properties. Piccardi used the scale-buoy devices to activate water, which also produced a bluish discharge into the water to achieve that function. Lourdes, and many other mineral hot-spring healing waters are frequently described as blue waters or blue-glowing in nature. All of this leans towards support of Reich’s larger theory of a physical background cosmic medium which, under conditions of excitation would glow blue, and could also charge up water.

Regarding this blue color, many of the blue luminating hot-springs are shallow, no more than a few meters in depth, and yet they have a decidedly strong blue luminosity in their central core depths. One can see this most profoundly in the Yellowstone Park Morning Glory Pool which is only a few meters across, and perhaps two meters at its deepest and most visible dark-blue core parts. Figure 21 is a photo I took of this remarkable pool in Summer 2000, using an ordinary film camera with Ektachrome slide film, ASA 400, and without any filters or subsequent digital enhancements. The National Park Service posted other even more deeply bluish-glowing images of this shallow hot water pool to their website (Web ref.8).

Figure 21: The “Morning Glory Pool” at Yellowstone Park. It is about six meters across and no more than two meters deep in the central core. The water has a distinct blue luminosity, easily photographed (at times when tourists have not dumped garbage into it). This appears as a property of the water itself, determined readily by walking around the pool and viewing at different angles.


Mechanistic explanations are most frequently given for the blue-glowing waters of such mineral hot springs, such as they contain large numbers of thermophilic bacteria which are blue glowing by some photoluminescence phenomenon. But as noted above, these hot springs do not intrinsically glow blue at night, and nobody at Yellowstone, to my knowledge, has either witnessed or advocated the same kind of luminous bacterium as one sees in some oceans, where mere agitation by swimming or surf will set them to glow. Also, should these waters be filled with microbes sufficiently abundant for their material bodies to give a bluish color to the water, then the same water should appear turbid blue, rather than as one sees: transparent and blue. The bluishness of the waters, therefore, appears more as something invisible which has come into the water, something which more strongly than usual subtracts out the reds and yellows, or something which has changed its physical structure or properties whereby natural direct or diffuse sunlight falling upon it creates a blue fluorescence or luminosity which can be seen, but which is not an expression of merely Rayleigh scattering, nor of any microbial abundance or “contaminant.” This “something” in the water also imparts healing qualities in many cases, as well as all the other factors previously discussed.

Other examples are found in shallow glacial melt-water pools of about the same depth, only a few meters, which also have a strong blue luminosity, something which also can be seen in hollow cavities within the glaciers or fresh mountain snow-falls (Web ref.13). Figures 22 and 23 show another example, of the exceptionally blue waters of the Crater Lake National Park in central Oregon. The photographs this time are from an ordinary 4 MP digital camera, without processing or enhancement. The color reproductions are exactly as they appear to the naked eye. One of the Crater Lake photos literally appears as if someone had poured an intense blue dye into the water – and yet, it is crystal clear in appearance, and very transparent.

Figures 22 (top) and 23: Blue Glowing Waters of Crater Lake, Oregon. Photographs made by the author in 2005, with a Kodak 4 MP digital camera and no filters or subsequent color adjustments. The images reproduce what you see with the eye.


As noted the water is not literally “glowing” blue in these cases, but instead generates a bluish lumination or even fluorescence under the stimulus of natural sunlight. Like Reich’s orgone-charged vacuum tubes which glowed with less electricity than normal, or as with my own which glowed only with millivolts when hand-stroked, we may postulate that it takes less excitation to elicit the bluish luminosity within a very “alive”, activated or charged water sample, than in an ordinary uncharged and un-activated water sample, as we are more accustomed to seeing in so many polluted water sources. That is partly why these blue-glowing waters are so unusual, and stir us emotionally with their magnificent radiance, precisely because so much of the water around the world has lost this capacity to fluoresce or luminate, suffering a deterioration of its life-giving energetics.

At Crater Lake, the National Park Rangers are coached to tell people the “lake captures the blue color of the sky,” even when in many cases the sky is far less blue, or even grayish by comparison. A similar situation exists at Lake Tahoe in California, and I have seen this exceptionally blue luminosity in the Mediterranean sea of the Greek Islands. Taken together, these examples suggest we are observing a fluorescence-type of phenomenon which only occurs in waters of exceptionally high quality and structure, something which is separate from the water, which moves into the water, charging it up. If sufficiently strong, the water then develops a highly structured form, with all the wonderful properties identified above, plus a very unusual luminous fluorescence in reaction to the full spectrum of solar excitation (which is diminished also with cloud-cover). Rayleigh light-scattering theory does not appear sufficient to explain the full range of effects.

Anomalous Blue Glowing Forest Atmospheres

This factor of luminous fluorescence as Reich observed and called orgonotic lumination, also has parallels in forestry. The song America The Beautiful commemorates the “purple mountains majesty,” a phenomenon which Native Americans, explorers, naturalists and poets have noted for hundreds of years. I’ve seen it myself at different times during hikes in the Appalachian and Rocky Mountains. Professional nature photographers have made perhaps the most clear record of it, and with careful searching one can often find tourist postcards showing very impressive blue-glowing mountain atmospheres in natural forest regions. In Figure 24, I reproduce one of the most spectacular of these photos I’ve ever encountered, from a tourist promotional poster for northern Greece (Web ref.9). Through use of local translators, the photographer was contacted and informed us he had used Ektachrome slide film without any kind of filtering or post-development “tricks”. The photo reproduced precisely what he had seen with his eyes. I inquired further with local people, and was told this was a frequently observed phenomenon at that particular location, which at that time c.1995, was very isolated, unpolluted, and with the natural forests intact. One informant told me, when visiting that region with his family on vacation, that his grandmother (who was losing her memory and eyesight) came out of the hotel wearing her swimsuit, asking how she could walk up to that blue glowing area and go for a swim. She had mistaken the intense blue-glowing forest region for the blue ocean of the Mediterranean, which also has a similar intense blue color in many parts of Greece.

Figure 24: Blue Glowing Forest Atmosphere in Northern Greece. (Web ref.9)


The intensity of this blue atmospheric luminosity might suggest some kind of smoke, fog or pollutant, but not one of my informants reacted well to that suggestion, saying this was a common phenomenon and one never smelled smoke at those times, nor suffered from obstructed visibility because of it. Like the blue-glowing waters of Yellowstone Morning Glory Pool, or Crater Lake, this intense blue atmosphere photographed in a remote mountain valley is exceptionally transparent and not due to an obscuring haze or aerosol, as one might expect with turpene particulates or fog water-droplets. Sometimes one can see valley fogs which are semi-transparent and truly hazy, but in my experience they only yield a white or grayish color, without the intense blue luminosity as one sees here in Figure 24.

Another anecdote comes from park rangers in the Blue-Ridge Mountains during the 1980s, who made the observation that a powerful episode of forest-death hit the region one year after the bluish color vanished from their forest range. (DeMeo 1989b) This suggests, like in the healing hot springs waters, the subtle blue color of the forest range was intrinsic to the health of the trees. While the theory of turpene chemical emissions from healthy forests has limited merit, (Kozolowski and Pallardy 1997) and one can typically smell this in a healthy pine forest, I have grown increasingly skeptical of the idea that these chemicals alone create a claimed photochemical “smog-like” reaction supposedly necessary for luminous blue-atmosphere appearances. Some of the claims along these lines were extrapolated from observations near to wood-pulping mills, where large amounts of turpenes mixed with steam and other hydrocarbon pollutants discharged into the air. (Strömvall and Petersson 1993) Other more empirical mechanisms have been proposed such as natural moisture transpiration or even the electrical fields at the tips of pine needles, which by itself may produce a blue glow visible at night. (Fish 1972) In any case, it would appear virtually all the various orthodox theories fail to fully explain this particular Greek mountain photograph, and it is not the only one of its kind. I have photos of other luminous blue atmospheres from forests where there are no pines, or where the glowing component is isolated to above the tree-line, characterized by rock and snow-pack. These most intense examples suggest a very real anomaly, and scientific understandings are not advanced if every time such a thing is observed or photographed, it is immediately dismissed ad hoc, by reference to more agreeable mechanistic theories which have little or no worked-through empirical evidence for their own support. These blue anomalies are real – they should be studied in vivo.

Admiral Fitzroy’s Stormglass

On the issue of an environmental phenomenon which can activate water, to energize it and increase its structural properties, we may also cite known and proven anomalies which periodically generate life-like structures within non-living solutions. In the early 1800s, small sealed tubes containing various mineral solutions plus camphor were sold on London Bridge as devices for forecasting the weather. Called weather glasses or camphor glasses, these were studied and perfected in recipe by Admiral Robert Fitzroy, whose name is today often attached to them (Fitzroy 1863). While their utility as a precision weather instrument is debatable, my own casual observations suggest they do react to the proximity of regional storm fronts, but not to local and moderate temperature changes. The sealed tubes contained a concentrated solution of water, ethanol, camphor, potassium nitrate and ammonium chloride. They generally remain clear in solution over long periods, except when weather undergoes a major change and their apparent reactivity is increased, after which crystals of various amounts and structure grow upwards inside the sealed glass tube. These frequently have an amazing resemblance to organic structures, such as delicately-curved and exquisite feathers, or rough tree-branches. Figure 25 gives several examples. Admiral Robert Fitzroy later became known to history as the drafter of early weather maps, and notably as the Captain of the Beagle, the ship that took Charles Darwin on his famous voyage of discovery. Fitzroy’s stormglass became an item of antique or novelty interest, sold in weather-instrument catalogs to hobbyists. However, the stormglass marks the approximate beginnings of a line of scientific investigation on subtle weather influences upon chemistry.

Figure 25: Feather-like or Fern-like Forms, developing within a Fitzroy Stormglass solution at the author’s laboratory, just before stormy weather. Note the amorphous precipitate at the bottom, out of which the more organized and life-like structures emerge, without any clear correlation to temperature.


One finds mention of similar water-chemical solutions yielding up organic-appearing macro-structures in works such as LeBon’s Evolution of Forces (1908) which for one example recounted the work of a M. Stéphane Leduc, along with a photographic plate that is reproduced in Figure 26, demonstrating “mimicry of plant forms by metallic salts”. We must ask, what is it within the water and certain inorganic chemicals which leads them towards such “mimicry”?

Figure 26: Non-living Plant-like Form, created from copper sulfate granules immersed into an aqueous solution of potassium ferrocyanide and NaCl. From Leduc, in LeBon (1908)

The tradition of the vitalists, who argued for a more cosmic or creative life-energetic phenomenon, passed out of favor by the early 1900s with the ascendancy of biochemistry and eventually the findings of genetic and DNA research. The most ambitious efforts marking the high point of the vitalists appeared in works such as On Growth and Form by D’Arcy Thompson (1942), or The Curves of Life by Theodore Cook (1914). These works detailed the wide range of phenomena within non-living nature, in terms of shapes, forms and mathematical structure, which showed agreeable comparison to the world of the living. These examples ranged from the more obvious and simple comparisons, such as the coral-like structure of some aragonite (calcium carbonate) minerals, to the Fibonacci series of mathematical ratios as seen in the spiral-form development of many living structures. Some of these ratios are also repeated – more or less – in the larger spiral-forms of hurricanes, planetary orbital spacings, galactic shapes and the like. While some of this most certainly falls into the category of poetic license, or philosophy, it nevertheless was and remains today a body of empirical evidence indicating still unresolved issues in the natural sciences.

These studies with such great emphasis upon spiral-forms in nature again remind us of Reich’s larger cosmological theory of cosmic superimposition (Reich 1951c) wherein he connected the spiral form of organic structures like sea-shells with larger cosmic spirals such as hurricanes, the spiral-paths of planets moving around suns through the heavens, and galactic spirals, to the spiral-form motion of the cosmic life energy, his orgone.

We may also cite some of Reich’s early biophysical experiments in microscopy, on the origins of life question. Reich found that compounds composed of inorganic minerals and chemicals, or of earth soils, when subjected to high temperature and pressure sterilization, and then freezing, would develop forms and structures which any well-trained microbiologist might swear were living – though in the example I give here, they were not motile or alive, merely showing the forms and structures of life. His bion experiments (Reich 1938) which revealed a microbial form transitional between the non-living and living, and also his Experiment 20, are cases in point (Reich 1945; Grad 1955). Below in Figure 27 are three photo-micrographs of Reich’s life-like but non-living forms, made during replication studies at my laboratory, and which were presented in 2000 to the Second International Conference on Pleomorphism (DeMeo 2000, 2002d).

Figure 27: Non-living but life-like structural forms at 400x magnification, created in the author’s laboratory replication of Reich’s Experiment 20. A small quantity of earth and moss was boiled in well-water, decanted and coarse filtered, vacuum micro-filtered to below 0.2 micron, portioned into test tubes, autoclaved at 130˚C and 20 pounds pressure for 45 minutes, then frozen for two months, and finally thawed and observed. All three images come from the same tube-sample.(DeMeo 2000, 2002d)

It is also important to note, Reich’s bion experiments directly led to the discovery of the orgone phenomenon, firstly identified as a blue-glowing radiation emitted from bions created through incandescent heating of beach sand and other inorganic materials. Some of those preparations eventually did become motile and capable of growth. (Reich 1938). Reich and his associate Prof. duTeil presented their findings on the bions to the French Academy of Science back in 1937, but events preceding WW-II and a fascist newspaper smear campaign basically hounded Reich out of Europe by 1939 (Sharaf 1983). Space unfortunately does not allow elaboration here.

Along this track, of unresolved issues related to water and the background medium in which it is immersed, we may also mention how, over the last 100 years, there have been repeated reports of strange lightning and color-burst phenomena occurring at the tops of large thunderstorms. The atmospheric scientists ignored such anecdotal reports until modern times when the lights were finally photographed. The photos reveal plasmatic shapes and forms appearing in brief flashes of colored light, which move upwards from thunderstorms into the lower stratosphere. They are today called jets and sprites (Lyons et al. 2003) confirming the early eye-witness reports. Some of them are reddish in color, others bluish. Nobody yet fully understands their function or significance. Their discovery was fully accidental. But it bears mentioning here, if only to remind us to be humble before nature.

Cosmic Ether of Space, Revisited

To close this paper, there are newer research investigations which have documented the cosmic ether of space and a variable light-speed. This ether phenomenon has not only been detected, repeatedly so, but we also know today how the ether-theory was only defeated in the latter part of the 20th Century through a combination of hostile neglect and political obfuscation within the sciences. For example, the physicist Dayton Miller (1933) who eventually constructed the largest ever Michelson-type light-beam interferometer, made investigations of the ether-drift question starting in 1906 and running nearly continuously through the late 1920s. Most notable were his critical experiments atop Mt. Wilson, at 2100 meter elevation, undertaken over four seasonal epochs in 1925-1926. Those experiments positively demonstrated a variable speed of light, with a preferred axis-of-drift through the cosmic ether at around 10 km/sec (Miller 1933; DeMeo 2011). Miller documented not only sidereal-day and seasonal variations in the velocity of ether wind, but plotted the galactic axial coordinates of earth’s net motion through the ether. Figures 28 and 29 show Miller’s massive light-beam interferometer, and one of his more important data graphics. (Miller 1928, 1931) When his data is organized by sidereal time, tern with galactic vector is apparent within it. When organized by civil-time on the 24-hour clock, no such pattern or cosmic component is apparent.

Figure 28: Dayton Miller’s Interferometer as used in the critical Mt. Wilson experiments of 1925-26. It was the largest light-beam interferometer ever constructed, with a light-path of 64 meters. For more than a decade, he made over 12,000 individual evaluation-turns of the instrument, detecting a clear variation in the speed of light. By comparison, the original Michelson-Morley experiment used an interferometer of 22 meters light-path, making only 36 evaluation turns of their instrument. Nevertheless, they also got a slight positive effect, too small to justify the static ether of Newton, but significant enough they noted in their 1887 paper the necessity to continue work on the subject. That task fell to Miller (Miller 1928, 1933; DeMeo 2011).


Throughout the 1920s and early 1930s, Miller’s work attracted both scientific and popular press attention as having refuted Einstein. (Web ref.11) Einstein was aware of the threat to his theories even before the full results of Miller’s Mt. Wilson experiments had been published, admitting on many occasions that, if Miller was correct, then his theory of relativity had to be wrong.

“If the results of Miller’s experiments should indeed be confirmed, the relativity theory could not be upheld. Because in that case, the experiments would question, that with reference to the coordinate system of a suitable state of movement (earth), the vacuum speed of light was dependent upon direction. Thus the principle of the constancy of the speed of light would have been proven wrong, which constitutes one of the two cornerstones of the theory.” – Albert Einstein (1926)

After Miller, additional experiments replicating the MM experiment, but with clear positive results, were undertaken with interferometers positioned at higher altitudes by Michelson, with assistance from Pease-Pearson (Michelson et al. 1929), and later by Kennedy and Thorndike (1932). However, both Pease-Pearson and Kennedy-Thorndike were strong advocates of Einstein’s relativity and hostile to the ether theory. They both detected an ether-drift of between 20-24 km/sec, close to the same velocity as that reported earlier by Miller, but they interpreted it negatively according to the assumption of a static and immobile non-material ether, which anticipated an effect of around 300 km/sec. This rejection of the smaller result as inconsequential – which it was not – left the Einstein theory of relativity unchallenged, and the whole subject of cosmic ether died with Michelson’s death in 1931, and Miller’s death in 1941. They had never been successfully refuted, but their important ideas and findings merely left to wilt on the vine. (DeMeo 2011).

Figure 29: Miller’s Azimuth Data from four seasonal epochs of work at Mt. Wilson. When organized by Civil Time (bottom graph) no clear pattern emerges, as one might expect if the instrument had been unduly influenced by solar heating or other diurnal factors. When organized by Sidereal Time, however, a pattern pointing to cosmic coordinates emerged (upper graph). (Miller 1928)


New experiments on the cosmic ether have been undertaken and published in the last several decades, confirming the Miller result. Specifically, Munera, (2002) and Munera et al. (2006), Cahill (2006, 2007), and Galaev (2001, 2002) all undertook new ether-drift experiments, using novel designs of interferometry and modern equipment. They all confirmed a very similar ether-drift effect as Miller determined, including similar velocities, sidereal-day patterns and axes of cosmic ether drift. Allais (1997) found an additional non-random pattern within Miller’s original data. DeMeo (2011) also addressed and refuted the study of Shankland et al. (1955) which proclaimed, but did not prove, flaws in Miller’s work.

These many independent experiments prove the existence of a dynamic and tangible cosmic ether, moving faster at higher altitudes, and slowed or reflected by dense materials such as metals or stone. As such, while there is no evidence for the immobile and “static ether” of Newtonian absolute space, there is good evidence for a tangible and earth-entrained dynamic ether. (DeMeo 2004). Space prohibits detailed discussion on this interesting scientific controversy, which appears directly relevant to modern findings on the postulated neutrino sea (Dudley 1975, 1976; Ruderfer 1972) and dark matter wind. (Bernabei 2007, 2010; Bernabei et al. 2000; Web ref.12) But a few related and most critical facts command our attention.

The DAMA project of Rita Bernabei has, over 14 years of work, detected a clear dark matter signature in the findings of weakly interacting massive particles (“wimps”) associated with cosmic parameters. The findings of the DAMA team have been controversial, however, because the data indicates a clear sidereal-seasonal pattern in the residual detections, suggesting a dark-matter wind, or wimp-wind (Bernabei 2007, 2010; Bernabei et al. 2000; Web ref.12). This is shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30: Seasonal Variations in Dark Matter Wind “Wimp” Residuals over approximately 14 years, from the Bernabei DAMA Group working under the Gran Sasso mountain in Northern Italy. The measured wimp-maxima for each yearly cycle occurs in June, at the time of greatest Earth velocity, with mid-December marking the minima (from Bernabei 2010, Web ref.12).


Of critical importance and relevance to the discussion here is the following fact: The velocity-variations of the Bernabei dark-matter-wind or wimp-wind are congruent and agreeable with both standard astronomy regarding the spiral-form motion of the Earth-Sun system, and with the findings of Miller. Both the Bernabei team’s residual data variations, and Miller’s ether-drift (or ether-wind) variations, independently proved the Earth moves at maximum velocity and through a maximum distance of space in June, and at minimum velocity and distance in December. Figures 31 and 32 show this graphically.

Figures 31: The Spiral Form Path of the Earth-Sun system through the Galaxy, showing its directional axis and variations in speed over the course of the year. (DeMeo 2004)

The Earth’s axis of net motion is not exactly down the center-line of the spiral, which as noted by both Reich and Piccardi in the mid-20th Century, gives rise to clear velocity variations over the course of a year. These are of great significance if space has energy or even the most minute of substance to it. The “X” near to Vega in Figure 31 marks the northern axis of ether-drift as determined from Miller’s ether-drift experiments. Figure 32 gives the velocity determinations from Miller’s ether-drift experiments over four seasonal epochs of experiments at Mt. Wilson. These motional diagrams are all agreeable with standard astronomical determinations of 2 June as the velocity maxima, and 2 December as the velocity minima.

Figure 32: The Spiral Form Path of the Earth-Sun system through the Galaxy, showing its directional axis and variations in speed over the course of the year. (DeMeo 2004)

The cosmological motions depicted in my two Figures, derived from classical astronomy and validated independently by the net motional determinations of Miller and Bernabei, are also agreeable with Reich’s spiral-motional cosmic superimposition theory, with Piccardi’s determinations of seasonal variations in his chemical tests (eg., Figure 17, Piccardi’s spiral-form model), and with Brown’s sidereal-day and seasonal variations in the behaviors of various organisms monitored under controlled laboratory conditions. All of them identified, independently and without apparent knowledge of the other’s work, similar sidereal-day and/or seasonal axis-of-greatest-magnitude effects in their various experiments. How can this be understood, unless it is the product of a single cosmic energetic parameter through which the Earth is interacting at seasonally-variable speeds, and which also has optical, ionizational, chemical and biological influences? In short, there appears to be a common, singular phenomenon, expressing motional components as determined in the ether-drift and dark-matter-wind experiments, but with living-water and life-energetic components.

The fact that this same phenomenon has a blue glowing color in states of high excitation is an additional line of commonality, speaking in great favor of Reich’s theory. We appear to be dealing here with the age-old example of a dozen blind and deaf scientists in a room with an elephant, each of whom has grasped a different part of the beast, and is describing it in very different terms. But in reality, it is one and the same thing.

We could fill many additional pages with similar notable correlations, from various disciplines, but space does not allow it. However, let us take a last look at one notable, large and final point of evidence, on the properties of galactic halos, recalling how this is considered to be a direct expression of the cosmic interstellar medium. Figure 33 shows one of many typical photos of the blue halo surrounding the Andromeda Galaxy, as photographed repeatedly by astronomers over many decades. While called an expression of dark matter by contemporary astrophysics, the luminous galactic haloes are not “dark” at all. The color is an intensive blue, similar to but weaker than what is observed in deep clear lakes of good quality water, or in luminous high-mountain and forest-region atmospheres, or as seen in Reich’s luminating high-vacuum tubes – they all blossom into a state of luminous fluorescence when excited by natural sunlight or star light.

Are they all different expressions of one and the same phenomenon?

Figure 33: Galactic Halo Surrounding M31, the Andromeda Galaxy. Another blue-glowing “anomaly”? An expression of enigmatic “dark matter” which otherwise cannot be seen? Or one face of a universal, measurable, quasi-electric life-energetic force in nature, all unto itself, with myriad visible blue-fluorescing expressions? (Web ref.14)


From a foundation of considerable empirical evidence, I have briefly outlined Reich’s original postulate for an ether-like, life-energetic blue-glowing phenomenon which is a force in nature all unto itself, a direct expression of a biologically, chemically and electrically-active life-energy, which can be seen, photographed, and, on the Earth’s surface, felt and accumulated in special container-traps he termed orgone energy accumulators, which build it to higher concentrations. And as Reich noted, once gathered inside his accumulator devices, this cosmic force can be studied. It can affect ionization vacuum tubes and send GM counters singing to high counts, without any radioactive materials. It can generate a higher charge-density which causes water to increase its absorption in the ultraviolet range, and delay the discharge-time of charged electroscopes. It can be used to boost the growth of plants, to slow the growth of tumors in cancer mice, and even to heal people of some health conditions. It is not some mere side-expression of a different underlying force which cannot itself be seen or measured. It is “the force” of interest all by itself. It is the stuff which imparts a blue glow into natural hot spring waters, which are objectively documented world-wide, and which ordinary people remark about as having soothing and healing qualities. It is documented in the blue glow sometimes seen and photographed in the atmosphere of unpolluted and healthy forest-mountain regions. People are spontaneously attracted to this phenomenon, in some kind of biological attraction and resonance, feeling it to be important, beautiful, and helpful to their well-being. The highly charged water in the living organism is attracted to these wonderful blue-glowing phenomena.

All these diverse phenomena appear to be the same force in nature, similar also to that which, as we have seen in the functioning of Reich’s other invention, the cloudbuster, can be triggered to pulsate and bring rains – much as solar variation and lunar cycles also affect the weather, and living creatures, and vacuum potentials, and water properties. Much remains to be clarified and understood in this regard, so we must tread carefully. But the basic parameters of a unitary cosmic force affecting life, water, and the non-living world, are reasonably well clarified in the works I have surveyed.

I should also ask for the following right, as Reich did (but which was not granted to him): “The right to be wrong without being hung by the neck for it.”

Classical science has searched for this cosmic medium, this creative principle in nature over eons, and one finds the same basic questions asked by Galileo, Newton, Einstein and others still being asked today. Is it possible, the unifying, unitary phenomenon which could provide better answers has been staring at us, right in the face all along? And that over decades, we have persecuted and pilloried nearly every natural scientist and physician who has dared to investigate the matter? I submit, this also is the case.

A review has also been made of diverse findings in biology, chemistry, meteorology and astrophysics, primarily dating back to the start of the 20th Century, which are firstly agreeable with Reich’s findings and theory, and secondly offer fresh perspectives and “new” empirical data by which modern problems in the natural sciences might be advanced, notably as regarding the anomalous properties of water. Numerous independent lines of investigation appear to support the idea that space is charged with a cosmic energy which not only affects the structure and behavior of water, but which can also interact with other materials, such as metal plate and high-dielectric insulators, or with metal pipe antennas immersed into structured water, to affect electrical charge parameters in both electroscopes and clouds at a distance. New phenomenon are documented which are not predicted by orthodox theory. The various findings reviewed hold a great significance for biology and other disciplines, given that all of life grew and evolved under the influences of this same background ocean of cosmic energy, which not only can affect the technical instruments of natural science, but also the physical chemistry of water, and consequently the structure, form and behavior, as well as the health and well-being of living creatures. A fresh look at these older findings of the 20th Century are, therefore, both warranted and necessary.



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Web References

1. Bibliography on Orgonomy http://www.orgonelab.org/bibliog.htm [2011]

2. Fourth Annual Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, October 22-25, 2009, Mount Snow, West Dover, Vermont. http://www.watercon.org [2009]

3. DeMeo J (2005-2009). Orgone Accumulator GM Effects. OBRL Newsletter #9 p.2, June 2005; #19 p.7, August 2008; and #20 p.10, Feb. 2009. http://www.orgonelab.org/OBRLNewsletter.htm [2009]

DeMeo J (2006). Anomalous Reactions of an Orgone-Charged Neutron Counter. OBRL Progress Report.
 Summer 2006 http://www.orgonelab.org/Report2006.htm [2006]

4. An internet search of Wilhelm Reich’s name in association with “body oriented psychotherapy” or “orgone therapy” will bring up thousands of links, nearly all of which mention Reich favorably, though often confusedly.

5. See the overflow lakes via Google Earth, at Lat. 23.236 N., Long 30.9334 E. Scan out to an altitude of around 100 km for the best view.

6. CIFA website: http://www.cifa-icef.org/sci_prob.html

7. Conference on the Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water, 2006 and continuing annually. http://www.watercon.org

8. The NPS website: http://www.nps.gov/archive/yell/tours/oldfaithful/mrngglry.htm
A larger version of my photo from 2000 is here: http://www.orgonelab.org/graphics/WaterArticle/MorningGloryA.jpg
Here is another from a now-defunct NPS webpage made in c.2006: http://www.orgonelab.org/graphics/WaterArticle/MorningGloryB.jpg

9. Photograph of the ‘Valia Calda’ in the Pindos mountains, by G. Tzatzanis c.1992. Details were communicated by translator T. Hassapi. A copy of the full tourist poster, made by the Grevena Perfecture’s Forest Administration, is posted here: http://www.orgonelab.org/graphics/WaterArticle/GreekMountain.jpg

10. http://www.orgonelab.org/DeMeoBionsColor.pdf [2002]

11. On-line list of historical ether-drift publications: http://www.orgonelab.org/energyinspace.htm [2010]

12. Rita Bernabei presentations on Dark Matter Wind: http://people.roma2.infn.it/~dama/web/home.html [2011]

13. Various photos of blue-glowing or fluorescing glacier ponds and ice are on internet, including many which fully defy the usual “light scattering” explanations. For example:

14. For a stunning image of Andromeda, M31, showing blue-glowing “stuff” floating around its axis of rotation, with nearby regions still remaining jet-black by comparison, download one of the higher-density images from the Kitt Peak Observatory, here: http://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im0685.html

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